Kallakal is a village in Thupran Mandal in Medak district of Telangana State. Cities like Hyderabad, Medak, Sangareddy and Singapur surround Kallakal. It has all the facilities like transportation, education and healthcare. Charminar, Golconda Fort, Koti, Birla Mandir and more tourist attractions are at the nearest distance from Kallakal.
Connectivity to Kallakal
Kallakal is connected to the NH-44 (Nizamabad highway), Outer Ring Road at a distance of around 13 km, Hyderabad to Kallakal road at a distance of 38 km, Kuchavaram Railway Station, Dabilpur Railway Station, Kacheguda Railway Station(40 km), Hyderabad Deccan Nampally Railway Stations(39 km) are connected to Kallakal.
Commercial Hubs in Kallakal
CMBL Industries, Star Plast Industries, Nidhi Polymers, Ram Industry, Narahari Chemicals Company, Foundry Casting Products, Pelcoat Formulations Pharmaceutical Company, Banks, ATMs, Shopping Malls, supermarkets, restaurants and hotels are the commercial hubs in Kallakal.
Employment Hubs in Kallakal
Punishment Cloud, Tera Software Ltd, FirstPin Technologies, CGTech Software Services, Oxpro Software Solutions, Stark SRK Pharma Pvt. Ltd, Delexel Pharma Pivot. Ltd, Zaint Health Care Pvt. Ltd, Anora Pharma Pvt. Ltd and MGB Motor and Auto Agencies Pvt. Ltd are the companies in Kallakal providing employment opportunities.
Educational Institutions in Kallakal
Orchids The International School, Vibgyor High School, Sterling Model School, Govt Primary School, Scholars Junior College and High School are some educational institutions in Kallakal.
Health Care Institutions in Kallakal
Eye Vision Clinic & Optical, Hospital & Medical Store, Dr Sathyanarayana Clinic and Sanvika Healthcare Centre provide the best healthcare services in Kallakal.
Future Developments in Kallakal
The National Highway widening and the Proposed Regional Ring Road are the developments in Kallakal. The Kandlakoya IT Park being at the shortest distance of 15 km is also developing the Kallakal area.
Recent Announcements and Developments in Kallakal
Mahalakshmi Profiles Pvt Ltd (MPL Group) is a steel manufacturer company of steel pipes in Hyderabad. This company announced that it would produce coated products of metallic and non-metallic alloys. It makes an investment of Rs.260 crore and can produce 2.0 lakh tonnes per year. This project will be undertaken next year near Kallakal village, Manoharabad mandal in Medak district.
Price Trends of Kallakal
Kallakal has high growth in the real estate market. It has an average value range of Rs.____ per square yard in 2021 and an average value range of Rs._____per square yard in 2022. But in 2023, it raised even more to an average value range of Rs.____ per square yard.
The perspective of checking all the above parameters is to ensure ease of living. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs states that Ease of Living forms a structure giving an idea of the localities with a set of 3 pillars called Quality of Life, Economic Ability and Sustainability. Quality Of Life means facilities like Education, Health, Housing, Wash and Solid Waste Management, Transportation and Safety and Security in the locality. Economic Ability means the Level of Development and Economic Opportunities in that locality. Sustainability means Environment, Green Spaces and Building, Energy Consumption and City Resilience(the capability of the city in disaster prevention to protect the population) in the locality.
Kallakal is a fast-growing area with IT companies, several industries and pharma companies. It is connected to major highways and is a prime location. Most reputed developers offer open plots with high-class amenities with HMDA and DTCP approved layouts. It is the best location to invest in plots with high resale and land value. We are providing the list of open plots in Kallakal that are created by the top reputed and most experienced developers.