Maheshwaram is a village and mandal in Ranga Reddy district of Telangana State. Maheshwaram Shivaganga Raja Rajeshwari Devi temple is at the shortest distance from Secunderabad. This temple is on the way to Srisailam from Hyderabad. Maheshwaram is known for crop plantings like cotton, corn, chilli and groundnuts.
Farooqnagar, Hyderabad, Singapur and Badepalle are the cities surrounded by Maheshwaram. Maheshwaram has all the facilities and transportation hubs like the TSRTC bus station, Kottur Railway Station and Shamshabad Airport.
Connectivity to Maheshwaram
Maheshwaram is connected to roads like Outer Ring Road, highways like Bangalore Highway(Nh 44)(14.83 km), Srisailam Highway(NH 765)(8.71 km) through Maheshwaram road and ORR. It has the availability of Mansanpalli Highway, Thimmapur Railway Station, Gollapalli Bus Stop and Shamshabad Airport at the shortest distance.
Employment Hubs in Maheshwaram
TCS, HCL, Tata Advanced Systems Ltd, Tata Boeing Aerospace Limited, Nova Integrated Systems Ltd, Embedded IT Solutions, Ballistic Safety Systems Technology India Pvt Ltd EPHYSX Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and more companies are in Maheshwaram. Moreover, CVK Tech Park, Raheja IT Park, Mindspace Shamshabad and Nanakramguda Financial District are the nearby employment hubs of Maheshwaram.
Educational Institutions in Maheshwaram
Infant Jesus International School, Aga Khan Academy, Telangana State Model School, ZPH Boys School, Krishnaveni Talent School, Sri Akshara Techno High School, Sri Sharada Jr College, Govt Junior College and Jehova Joreh Institute of Information and Technology are the educational institutions in Maheshwaram that offer the best education.
Future Developments in Maheshwaram
Telangana Government is going to transform Maheshwaram into an industrial growth corridor for industrial and commercial needs. Electronic Hardware Park and Hyderabad Pharma City in Mucherla, which is close to Maheshwaram are the developments in Maheshwaram within a short period of time.
Recent Announcements in Maheshwaram
The Telangana government has approved a construction project of eight new government medical colleges all over the state. This project has an investment of Rs.1,447 crores approximately. These medical colleges will come up in eight areas namely Gadwal, Narayanpet, Mulugu, Narsampet, Medak, Yadadri, Maheshwaram and Qutubullapur. These colleges will have hostel buildings and other facilities.
Source: The Hindu
KTR laid a foundation stone for the Malabar Gems & Diamonds manufacturing unit which is the largest jewellery manufacturing unit and can generate 2,750 jobs.
A GO issued for new government colleges are coming up in the Maheshwaram constituency in Ranga Reddy district. A new Government Polytechnic College in Tukkuguda, Maheshwaram Constituency is also permitted to develop under the GO.
Source: Telanganatoday
Health Care Institutions in Maheshwaram
Hospitals like Nandipally LIMS, JIMS, I R Hospitals, Rama Devi Nursing Home, E.S.I. Dispensary, Shadan Hospital, Human Touch Hospital, Mamatha Hospital and Community Health Centre are the hospitals that provide the best health care in Maheshwaram.
Commercial Hubs in Maheshwaram
Mindspace Shamshabad, Z Enviro Industries Pvt Ltd, Wipro Personal Care Pvt Ltd, Surya Lakshmi Cotton Mills Ltd, Raheja Park, Electronic Hardware Park Maheshwaram, shopping malls, supermarkets, banks, ATMs, restaurants, multiplexes and more commercial hubs are accessible in Maheshwaram.
Price Trends in Maheshwaram
Maheshwaram has high growth in the real estate market. It has an average value range of Rs.11,793 per square yard in 2021 and an average value range of Rs13,124 per square yard in 2022. But in 2023, it raised even more to an average value range of Rs.14,673 per square yard.
The price trends mentioned above are from the reference: Price Trends in Maheshwaram
The perspective of checking all the above parameters is to ensure ease of living. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs states that Ease of Living forms a structure giving an idea of the localities with a set of 3 pillars called Quality of Life, Economic Ability and Sustainability. Quality Of Life means facilities like Education, Health, Housing, Wash and Solid Waste Management, Transportation and Safety and Security in the locality. Economic Ability means the Level of Development and Economic Opportunities in that locality. Sustainability means Environment, Green Spaces and Building, Energy Consumption and City Resilience(the capability of the city in disaster prevention to protect the population) in the locality.
Maheshwaram is a fast-growing area with IT companies, several industries and pharma companies. It is connected to major highways and is a prime location. Most of the reputed developers offer open plots with high-class amenities with HMDA and DTCP approved layouts. It is the best location to invest in plots with high resale value and land value. We are providing the list of open plots in Maheshwaram that are created by the top reputed and most experienced developers.